Grammatica Inglese gratuita – Elenco lezioni in formato pdf

01 – Articolo Determinativo, Articolo Indeterminativo 26 – Either … or – Neither … nor
02 – Pronomi Personali Soggetto 27 – So am I, neither am I, so do I, neither do I
03 – Aggettivi Possessivi, Aggettivo Qualificativo, Aggettivi Dimostrativi 28 – Comparativi e Superlativi
04 – Plurale dei Nomi, Plurals of Nouns 29 – Contractions, Abbreviazioni
05 – Infinito, Gerundio, Presente Semplice, Presente Continuous 30 – Tempi Verbali Inglesi
06 – Imperativo 31 – Can, Could, To be able
07 – There is, There are, There was, There were, There will be 32 – Must, To have to
08 – Why, Because, According to 33 – Future Simple, Progressive, Perfect
09 – Also, Too, As Well 34 – Forma Interrogativa e Forma Negativa dei Verbi
10 – Pronomi Personali Complemento 35 – Have, Have got
11 – Too, Too Much, Too Many 36 – Past Simple
12 – Pronomi Possessivi 37 – Past Continuous
13 – Pronomi Riflessivi – Verbi Riflessivi 38 – Present Perfect
14 – Aggettivi e Pronomi Indefiniti Semplici (Some, Any, No) 39 – Past Perfect
15 – Pronomi Indefiniti (Somebody, Something) 40 – Present Perfect Continuous
16 – Pronomi Relativi (Who, Whom, Which, What) 41 – Past Perfect Continuous
17 – Pronomi Reciproci (Each other, One another) 42 – “-Ing” form
18 – Aggettivi e Pronomi Dimostrativi (This, That, These, Those) 43 – Conditional
19 – Saxon Genitive 44 – Subjunctive – Congiuntivo
20 – Wh Questions 45 – Passive Form – Voce Passiva
21 – Countable and uncountable nouns 46 – Can – May
22 – Very, Much 47 – Asking for and giving permission
23 – Much, Many, A Lot 48 – May – Might
24 – Little, Few, A Little, A Few 49 – Direct and Indirect Speech – Discorso Diretto e Indiretto
25 – Tag Questions, È vero – Non è vero 50 – Used to – Would

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